MyLeanBody boot camp Healthy Hour was a huge success! We started our weekend out with a fantastic workout. Thank you beautiful ladies for joining us! Loveyou! Em
Friday, August 3, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
The New Building!!!
Check it out!!! I am so excited, the floor is done...the paint is fresh! MyLeanBody Boot Camp has a new home!! Get ready for tomorrow!! Let's rock it out on our first day!! Remember, come to 403 Bronco Dr. #2!!
Look at my welcome gift! Thank you so much Diana and Alicia for getting me the perfect boquet of "flowers"!! I love them!!! I have been eating salads and fresh broccoli! I am the luckiest girl in the world! Love you!
Yolanda hit the TWO year mark and look at those guns!!
Amazing! Yolanda! You are incredible. Thank you for the past two years of sweat and love. Keep pushing truly are amazing! Love you!
Jamie and Becky made it to ONE year!
Jamie and Becky have worked hard and pushed themselves beyond belief! They both look amazing. These beautiful women are healthy, fit, and strong!
Thank you for being so incredible... Love you!
Thank you for being so incredible... Love you!
Thursday, May 3, 2012
And three more two year anniversaries!!
Where does the time go. I remember the first time that I talked to each one of you! Who knew that we were destined to spend about three mornings together each week for two years... And we are still going! Thank you Nancy, Diana, and Chasity! My life would not be the same without you! Love you.
Another year-er!
Jules! You are amazing. Thank you for all of the sweat over the last year! Keep pushing you!
Kim is back in boot camp!!
Kim returned to boot camp in record time...less than four weeks after her precious little girl entered the world! She is amazing. Kim was in class 3-4 times a week until the week before she gave birth. She is a testament to hard work, healthy eating, and staying strong during pregnancy, will make the recovery a snap. You probably would never be able to tell that she justhad a baby. Thanks Kim! Love you.
And Kris!!
Kris made it to a year in March! Her hard work has paid off and turned her into one of the strongest women I know. Keep up the hard work. Love you Kris!
More anniversaries...from March!!
Rachel celebrated her two year anniversary and chose the kettlebell class as her two year thank you gift!
Thank you Rach for all of your hard work! You are amazing! Love you.
Thank you Rach for all of your hard work! You are amazing! Love you.
Janis made it to 2 years!!!
I just cannot get her picture off of the camera... :). Thank you so much, Janis for all of your hard work. In March you turned two!! I remember meeting you and we wondered if you would even be able to make it through a week... Look at you now! (well, we would, Em, if you could get her out of the camera)
Thank you. Love you!
Thank you. Love you!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Sarah turns two and Erin turns one!
Thank you so much Sarah and Erin for your hard work in boot camp. Both of you look amazing! Sarah has been in boot camp since day 7 and Erin just had her one year anniversary. Both of these awe inspiring women have had babies since they started in boot camp. Both were in class right up until they delivered - Sarah came the day before her C-section, and both were back 8 weeks after their beautiful little girls entered the world!
Working out while you are pregnant not only helps you feel better, but it keeps you healthy, and it gives your baby the best start possible!
We have three more boot camp babies on the way...with one being due in less than 2 weeks!
I am so proud to be working with such incredible, strong, women (and moms!)!
Boot Camp Turns Two!
Can you believe that it has been TWO years since MyLeanBody Boot Camp started in Bloomington? I must say that each and every woman who has been involved in MLBBC has impacted my life in one way or another. I would not be who I am today without you! Thank you for two great years! I am so excited for many more.
Tori has been with me since day ONE!! Tori, you had faith in me and in my boot camp when it was just starting! I would never have started without you!
Thank you and I love you!!
Our No-Gainers!!!
Over the holidays, we all srtive not to gain weight or sabotage any of our efforts to get healthy and continue reaching our goals. Our competition started the week before Halloween, our mission was simple - Maintain our weight throughout the holidays and start out 2012 the same or less. Many of us accomplished that goal, but the winner - Sue - blew it out of the water! She lost 17 pounds over the holidays, and won a pair of minimalist shoes and a cookbook to help her plan meals and continue reaching her goals. Susie was number two and Kris number three!
Thank you ladies for working so hard during this time. It really paid off!! You are amazing. Love you! Em
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Look who made it a year!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Quest Protein Bars
I have always said that there are no bars that I recommend. Real food and protein powder, but the bars are full of junk. Well, Quest Nutrition has made a high protein, high fiber, good fat protein bar that we can eat and feel pretty good about. It is gluten free, so those of us leading a grain-free lifestyle can eat them and not have any problems. It has high quality protein that your body can use. It is full of good fats from nuts, and it does not have any of the sugar alcohols that make you feel yucky. The best part is it is SUGAR FREE!!
I am in no way saying that these bars are a substitute for real food. Eating actual food is always better, but I know how life can get in the way, and having something that is good for you, tastes good, keeps you satisfied and is ready, is helpful sometimes. And I know as much as the next person, that sometimes you need a chocolate brownie or a vanilla almond crunch, and being able to have one and not go off your plan is a really good thing!
Tawnya, from the 6 AM class tried them. Here is what she had to say..."I had the protein bar you gave me for lunch and I really liked it. I was super hungry and
remembered the bar. Once I ate it, I was completely satisfied until we
had dinner tonight. (Burger, sweet potato oven "fries" and a
romaine/spinach salad with avocado, tomatoes and homemade dijon
vinaigrette). Very yummy!"
I like the chocolate brownie (of course), the PB one and the almond one are both good too. And Chris likes the fruit flavored ones. They are made with actual fruit pieces, which surprised me. Try them and let me know how you like them.
Free shipping if you spend $50 with the code FREE50. Here is the link.
I am in no way saying that these bars are a substitute for real food. Eating actual food is always better, but I know how life can get in the way, and having something that is good for you, tastes good, keeps you satisfied and is ready, is helpful sometimes. And I know as much as the next person, that sometimes you need a chocolate brownie or a vanilla almond crunch, and being able to have one and not go off your plan is a really good thing!
Tawnya, from the 6 AM class tried them. Here is what she had to say..."I had the protein bar you gave me for lunch and I really liked it. I was super hungry and
remembered the bar. Once I ate it, I was completely satisfied until we
had dinner tonight. (Burger, sweet potato oven "fries" and a
romaine/spinach salad with avocado, tomatoes and homemade dijon
vinaigrette). Very yummy!"
I like the chocolate brownie (of course), the PB one and the almond one are both good too. And Chris likes the fruit flavored ones. They are made with actual fruit pieces, which surprised me. Try them and let me know how you like them.
Free shipping if you spend $50 with the code FREE50. Here is the link.
Monday, January 2, 2012
In the paper again?!?!!?!?
Our very own Angie Reedy put most of your thoughts into words...for the whole town to see, this weekend. Very nice article, Angie!! I am so happy that you think of me, not only when you are in class, but when you are at home too!! :)
Love you!! Em
Here is the article that Angie wrote.
Love you!! Em
Here is the article that Angie wrote.
Christy...a year AND in the Pantagraph!

Here is Christy...She has been in boot camp for a year...and she was highlighted in the paper!! Thank you for being so awesome Christy! Here is the link to the article.

Who made it to a year????
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