Friday, August 3, 2012

Healthy Hour

MyLeanBody boot camp Healthy Hour was a huge success! We started our weekend out with a fantastic workout. Thank you beautiful ladies for joining us! Loveyou! Em

Sunday, July 1, 2012

The New Building!!!

Check it out!!! I am so excited, the floor is done...the paint is fresh! MyLeanBody Boot Camp has a new home!! Get ready for tomorrow!! Let's rock it out on our first day!! Remember, come to 403 Bronco Dr. #2!!
Look at my welcome gift! Thank you so much Diana and Alicia for getting me the perfect boquet of "flowers"!! I love them!!! I have been eating salads and fresh broccoli! I am the luckiest girl in the world! Love you!

Yolanda hit the TWO year mark and look at those guns!!

Amazing! Yolanda! You are incredible. Thank you for the past two years of sweat and love. Keep pushing truly are amazing! Love you!

Jamie and Becky made it to ONE year!

Jamie and Becky have worked hard and pushed themselves beyond belief! They both look amazing. These beautiful women are healthy, fit, and strong!

Thank you for being so incredible... Love you!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

And three more two year anniversaries!!

Where does the time go. I remember the first time that I talked to each one of you! Who knew that we were destined to spend about three mornings together each week for two years... And we are still going! Thank you Nancy, Diana, and Chasity! My life would not be the same without you! Love you.

Another year-er!

Jules! You are amazing. Thank you for all of the sweat over the last year! Keep pushing you!

Kim is back in boot camp!!

Kim returned to boot camp in record time...less than four weeks after her precious little girl entered the world! She is amazing. Kim was in class 3-4 times a week until the week before she gave birth. She is a testament to hard work, healthy eating, and staying strong during pregnancy, will make the recovery a snap. You probably would never be able to tell that she justhad a baby. Thanks Kim! Love you.